What can I do with AgileGuy Power-Up?

Estimate your card

It's very simple! Click on your card, then on "Tracking"


Add your estimation and then it will appear on your card directly on the board


Prioritize your card

It's very simple! Click on your card, then on "Priority"

Priority Modal

Add your Priority by choosing it inside the list and precise the kind of issue: bug or task. Then it will appear on your card directly on the board

It can be useful for your report to separate bugs and taks :)


Points done on a card

In order to track your project, it's an important thing to track points done. So, go to the Estimate section

Task not finished

Add the number of points done and it will update the "remaining points" by clicking on "Save"

Points on a card

Of course, you can spent more points than estimated at the first time. It will impact your report

My bug is fixed!

You spent some times on a bug and it's now fixed, then go to the "Estimate" section. Click on the toggle and add the points done

How to indicate that my bug id fixed

Well done!! You can see on the card that the flag is now Green :)

I don't want to estimate a card

When you create a card, you can see a label "non-estimated" on it

My card is not estimated

If you don't want to estimate it because it can be a "ReadMe" card or an Epic for example, then just go to "Estiamte" and click on "I don't want to estimate it" ;)

Can I hide the ID of the card and the "Non-estimated" label?

Of course! If you don't use it, just go to settings by clicking on the AgileGuy button on the board

Don't show the default labels

I made a mistake, how can I remove a a number of points done?

You can reset card parameters by clicking on "Reset parameters" on a card detail

Reset card parameters

Indicate a card blocked into the process

If one of your card is blocked for one or another reason like something is not clear or you need some assets. Then click on your card and on "Blocked"

Card blocked

You can easily see cards blocked during your Standup and they will be flagged into your report.

Set a WIP limit into a step of your process

You can set a WIP limit into one or several columns in order to warn if the maximum amount of cards is exceeded. Click on the three dots button of the list

List menu

And then, you click on "Maximal number of cards in this list"

Wip limit modal

Precise the amount of cards and it's set up! :) If someone, drag and dop a card and it exceeds the limit:

Wip limit warning

Show the amount of time since the last activity on card

You can display the time since the last activity on cards into a column ;) Click on the three dots button of the list

List menu

And then, you click on "Show the time since the last activity"

Show time modal

Click on the toggle button and then, you will see the time displayed on cards

Time on cards

Set a new Sprint

In order to have a report for your sprint, you have to create it. So click on the AgileGuy buttton

Settings menu

And click on "New Sprint", a modal will appear

New Sprint Modal

Fill in the form and it will be created :)

Where can I retrieve my reports?

As usual, go to the settings and then click on "Spint Report"

Search modal

And just select your sprint in the list

What can I find in the Sprint Report?

First the Burndown chart of the sprint. It is built with the data collected on cards during the period of the sprint

Burndown chart

You can always see sprint parameters :)

Sprint parameters

And then the report: Title of the sprint, the number of points done and the list of cards

Report of the sprint

You can also find the cards blocked during the sprint if you want to discuss about it during the Review

Report of the sprint

Can I save a Report?

Of course, if you click on "Export" into the Report modal. It will be downloaded in pdf

You can share it with your Stackholder and your team

Do you want to personalize your report? Send us an email

Can I delete a sprint?

Yes, just go to the parameters of your sprint and then click on "Delete" :)

Sprint parameters

Do I have a report for non-finished sprint?

If you check your sprint report which is not finished, you will see the tasks done yesterday and what is currently in "Doing"

It can help you during your morning Standup for example

Bugs Tracking

Track your bugs is something very important. The purpose is to see the amount of bugs created during a period and those fixed :)

Go to the settings menu and click on "Bug Tracking" and a modal will be opened:

Bug Tracking modal

Select your period and it will tracks your bugs ;)

Bug Tracking Report

You will find a chart and the list of bugs

Can I save a Bug report?

Of course, just click on "Export" and it will download a pdf version of your report :)

A licence key is vailable for how many dashboards?

One license key is for one Trello Board whatever the number of members :)

Trial period for AgileGuy

You have 14 days to test the Power Up. All features are available without doing anything :)

After these 14 days, Got to Settings and click on the link

Buy a licence

You will be redirected, you will be able to buy a licence key: 2$ per month or 20$ for a year

You will receive a key by email, you can copy it and paste it in "Settings"

WELL DONE! It's fully working